Worms A Space Oddity In Stock Now

Gofod, y ffin olaf. Dyma deithiau'r... mwydod o Wakefield? Eu cenhadaeth? I fynd yn eofn lle nad oes mwydyn wedi mynd o'r blaen! Mae Worms Tîm 17 Gogledd Lloegr wedi cyrraedd y gofod. Heb os, mae Spock yn crynu yn ei esgidiau tebyg i hosan. A dweud y gwir, rydyn ni i gyd o blaid i'r Worms fynd i'r gofod. Maen nhw wedi bod yno o'r blaen. Mae'n gweithio iddyn nhw. A pham ddylai'r Americanwyr, Rwsiaid - a nawr y Tsieineaid - gael yr holl hwyl sero-disgyrchiant? Mwydod: Mae Space Oddity yn llawn dop o'ch hoff styffylau Worms. Mae gameplay ar ffurf strategaeth sy'n seiliedig ar dro wedi'i lledaenu ar draws tirwedd ochr-sgrolio gydag arfau gwallgof sy'n amrywio o gerddwyr (fel grenadau) i'r hollol hurt (defaid yn ffrwydro). Fodd bynnag, mae Space Oddity yn dod wedi'i deilwra i gryfderau penodol y Wii. Unrhyw un yn malio i ddyfalu...? Ie, sensitifrwydd symud fyddai hynny. Mae system reoli'r gêm wedi'i hadeiladu i ddefnyddio'r Wii Remote. Gellir defnyddio The Remote i arwain frags neu - os ydych chi ychydig yn fwy hen ysgol na hynny - fel plunger ar gyfer ffrwydron. Roedd y malltodwyr bach yn rhwym o gyrraedd y Great Beyond yn hwyr neu'n hwyrach. Dyma'ch cyfle i ymuno â nhw.

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the... worms from Wakefield? Their mission? To boldly go where no worm has gone before! Northern England's Team 17's Worms have made it into space. Spock is no doubt quivering in his sock-like footwear. Frankly, we're all in favour of the Worms heading into space. They've been there before. It works for them. And why should the Americans, Russians - and now the Chinese - have all the zero-gravity fun? Worms: A Space Oddity comes crammed full of all your favourite Worms staples. Gameplay takes the form of turn-based strategy spread across a side-scrolling landscape peppered with crazy weapons that range from the pedestrian (like grenades) to the downright absurd (exploding sheep). A Space Oddity, however, comes tailored to the Wii's specific strengths. Anyone care to guess...? Yup, that'd be motion sensitivity. The game's control system has been built to use the Wii Remote. The Remote can be used to guide frags or - if you're a bit more old school than that - as a plunger for explosives. The little blighters were bound to make it out into the Great Beyond sooner or later. This is your chance to join them.

Arbed arian, arebed lle, arbed carbon. // Saving money, saving space, saving our planet.