Mariokart (Wii) In Stock Now

Gall chwaraewyr rasio fel eu hoff gymeriad Nintendo, neu hyd yn oed fel eu hunain! Mae Mario Kart Wii yn gadael i chwaraewyr rasio gyda'u cymeriadau Mii personol. A bydd raswyr yn gweld cymeriadau Mii eraill y maen nhw wedi'u creu yn bloeddio o'r ochr ar rai cyrsiau rasio.

Gall chwaraewyr gystadlu â hyd at dri ffrind yn eu hystafell fyw. Neu heriwch hyd at 11 gwrthwynebydd trwy Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection yn y ras Mario Kart fwyaf eto. Mae pob trac a dull chwarae ar gael trwy Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, a gall chwaraewyr ymweld â Sianel Mario Kart i gystadlu mewn twrnameintiau, gwirio safleoedd, gweld pryd mae eu ffrindiau'n chwarae a lawrlwytho "ghost data".

Players can race as their favorite Nintendo character, or even as themselves! Mario Kart Wii lets players race with their personalized Mii characters. And racers will see other Mii characters they have created cheering from the sidelines on some race courses.

Players can compete with up to three friends in their living room. Or challenge up to 11 opponents via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in the biggest Mario Kart race yet. All tracks and modes of play are available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, and players can visit the Mario Kart Channel to compete in tournaments, check rankings, see when their friends are playing and download ghost data.

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