XBOX 360 - The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion In Stock Now

XBOX 360 - The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (15+)

Y bedwaredd gêm yn y gyfres, wedi'i gosod o fewn talaith Cyrodiil, cadarnle a phrifddinas Ymerodrol Tamriel. Mae'r Ymerawdwr Uriel Septim VII yn ymosod ar hedfan o'i balas ei hun, ond ychydig cyn iddo farw mae'n pasio ymlaen i chi—cyndad ei freuddwydion—Amulet direidus Brenhinoedd. Mae'r antur yn briodol yn dechrau gyda'r ymgais i ddod o hyd i fab coll ac anghyfreithlon Uriel—yr unig etifedd i'r orsedd. Mewn byd lle mae grymoedd y tywyllwch yn ceisio eu dominiwn eithaf dros rengoedd dyn a mer fel ei gilydd, rydych chi ar eich pen eich hun yn sefyll rhwng dyfodol Tamriel a gatiau Oblivion.


XBOX 360 - The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (15+)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the fourth game in the Elder Scrolls series, is set within the province of Cyrodiil, the heartland and Imperial capital of Tamriel. Emperor Uriel Septim VII is assassinated in flight from his own palace, but just before he dies he passes on to you—the foreordained of his dreams—the mystic Amulet of Kings. The adventure proper begins with the quest to find Uriel's lost and illegitimate son—the only heir to the throne. In a world where the forces of darkness seek their ultimate dominion over the ranks of man and mer alike, you alone stand between the future of Tamriel and the gates of Oblivion.

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