XBOX 360 - Kane and Lynch Dead Men In Stock Now

XBOX 360 - Kane and Lynch Dead Men 18+

Profiad anrhagweladwy sy'n cynnwys dau ddyn sy'n casáu ei gilydd ond sy'n gorfod gweithio gyda'i gilydd i achub eu hunain a'r rhai maen nhw'n eu caru

Mae amgylcheddau realistig ac ymatebol a thorfeydd yn ymateb pan fydd pethau'n mynd allan o ddwylo. Trin yr amgylcheddau a'r torfeydd yn strategol er mwyn cwblhau amcanion

Amrywiaeth eang o gameplay person dwys 3ydd: rappel o adeiladau, tân o symud cerbydau, lansio ymosodiadau annisgwyl, gosod tân clawr, a saethu dall o bob cwr o gorneli

Arwain criw o hapfilwyr troseddol i gynyddu'ch siawns o oroesi a chyrraedd eich nodau, neu ymladd ar eich pen eich hun a bydd eich criw AI yn tynnu tân yn awtomatig, taflu grenadau, ac ymgysylltu'n agos â'u symudiadau llofnod eu hunain

Lefelau aml-chwaraewr arloesol


XBOX 360 - Kane and Lynch Dead Men 18+

A tense and unpredictable experience featuring two men who hate each other but must work together to save themselves and the ones they love

Realistic and responsive environments and crowds react when things get out of hands. Manipulate the environments and crowds strategically to complete objectives

Wide variety of intense 3rd person gameplay: rappel from buildings, fire from moving vehicles, launch surprise attacks, lay down cover fire, and shoot blind from around corners

Lead a crew of criminal mercenaries to increase your chance of surviving and reaching your goals, or fight alone and your crew AI will automatically draw fire, throw grenades, and engage in close combat with their own signature moves

Innovative multiplayer levels

Arbed arian, arebed lle, arbed carbon. // Saving money, saving space, saving our planet.