XBOX 360 - L.A. NOIRE In Stock Now

XBOX 360 - 18+

L.A. NOIRE (3 Disg)

Datrys amrywiaeth o achosion ar draws desgiau trosedd

Chwiliwch olygfeydd trosedd am gliwiau, holi tystion a drwgweithredwyr rhyngblethu wrth i chi chwilio am y gwir ym mhob achos

Defnyddiwch eich ffraethineb i ddadansoddi ymddygiad amheuaeth a gwahanu'r gwir oddi wrth y celwyddau

Profwch hamdden bloc-wrth-floc syfrdanol gywir o 8 milltir sgwâr o 1947 Los Angeles

Codi i fyny trwy rengoedd y LAPD o gopa curiad i swyddi eraill fel y ditectif LAPD Cole Phelps

Datrys troseddau creulon, lleiniau a chynllwynion a ysbrydolwyd gan droseddau enwog o 1947 Los Angeles, un o'r cyfnodau mwyaf llygredig a threisgar yn hanes Dinas yr Angylion

Mae gosodiadau anhawster lluosog yn rhoi cyfle i chwaraewyr o bob gallu gamu i esgidiau ditectif yn postwar L.A.


XBOX 360 - 18+

L.A. NOIRE (3 Disks)

Solve a variety of cases across the crime desks

Search crime scenes for clues, question witnesses and interrogate suspects as you search for the truth in each case

Use your wits to analyse suspect's behaviour and separate the truth from the lies

Experience a stunningly accurate block-by-block recreation of 8 sq miles of 1947 Los Angeles

Rise up through the ranks of the LAPD from a beat cop to other positions as LAPD detective Cole Phelps

Solve brutal crimes, plots and conspiracies inspired by famous crimes from 1947 Los Angeles, one of the most corrupt and violent times in the City of Angels' history

Multiple difficulty settings give players of all abilities the chance to step into the shoes of a detective in post-war L.A.

Arbed arian, arebed lle, arbed carbon. // Saving money, saving space, saving our planet.