Mae'r gêm gardiau deuluol hwyliog hon yn berffaith ar gyfer oedolion. Sgoriwch bwyntiau trwy fod y cyntaf i gael gwared ar yr holl gardiau yn eich llaw.Cyflym. Strategaethwch i drechu'ch cystadleuaeth gyda chardiau gweithredu arbennig fel Sgipiau, Reverses, Draw Twos a chardiau Gwyllt sy'n newid lliw. Os ydych chi wedi chwarae'r cerdyn olaf, cofiwch ddweud ie yn uchel!


This fun family card game is perfect for adults, Score points by being the first to get rid of all the cards in your hand.Fast,Fun For Everyone. Strategize to defeat your competition with special action cards like Skips, Reverses, Draw Twos and color-changing Wild cards. If you have played the last card, please remember to say yeah loudly!

Arbed arian, arebed lle, arbed carbon. // Saving money, saving space, saving our planet.