Match a Bird - A Memory Game In Stock Now

Parwch y parau gwrywaidd a benywaidd o 25 rhywogaeth o adar o bob rhan o'r byd yn y gêm atgofion hon sydd wedi'i darlunio'n hyfryd. I chwarae, rhowch y cardiau wyneb i lawr a gweld a allwch chi gofio ble mae'r aderyn sy'n cyfateb. Casglwch fwy o barau na'ch gwrthwynebydd i ennill! Gyda phob math o rywogaethau – o’r dylluan wen i’r titw tomos las a’r estrys i’r macaw – mae’r gêm hwyliog ac addysgiadol hon yn anrheg ddelfrydol a fydd yn apelio at gariadon adar ym mhobman.


Match the male and female pairs of 25 species of birds from around the world in this beautifully illustrated memory game. To play, simply place the cards face down and see if you can remember where the matching bird is located. Collect more pairs than your opponent to win! With all kinds of species – from the barn owl to the blue tit and the ostrich to the macaw – this fun and educational game is an ideal gift that will appeal to bird lovers everywhere.

Arbed arian, arebed lle, arbed carbon. // Saving money, saving space, saving our planet.